Comprehensive & interactive digital learning simulations.

We develop immersive and interactive learning simulations for every industry.

dapphaus uses the most widely accessible and cost-effective hardware to deliver realistic learning experiences. Our simulations can be developed to be deployed on anything from a smartphone or laptop, to a VR headset and can include custom reporting and analytics. Educate remotely with a dapphaus digital learning experience.

 By leveraging the next generation of web technology, we can create innovative solutions that transform traditional e-learning and in-person training programs into interactive and engaging experiences that enhance knowledge retention and skill acquisition. 

Workplace simulations and digital twins can be powerful keys to unlocking real training value. We can recreate your analog processes and machinery into fully interactable digital replicas. Learners get an immersive experience that helps them train for real world scenarios, all in a safe and engaging digital environment served through any web browser. 

With digital learning experiences you can: 

Teach soft skills and technical processes 

Train more frequently at less expense 

Deploy on any device

Train, teach and assess safely and remotely 

Attract a younger generation of workers 

Ensure compliance and safety 

Maximize workforce engagement  

Discover points of failure with trackable metrics 

Future proof your training process.