Disability and Accessibility Plan

1. Introduction

At dapphaus, we recognize the importance of ensuring accessibility for all individuals, including those with disabilities, in our remote work environment. This Disability and Accessibility Plan outlines our commitment to promoting accessibility and providing reasonable accommodations for employees.

2. Accessibility Assessment

We will conduct an accessibility assessment of our work practices, tools, and technologies to identify potential barriers and areas for improvement. This assessment will include:

·        Reviewing work policies and procedures to ensure they are inclusive and accessible.

·        Evaluating the accessibility of collaboration tools, communication platforms, and other software used by employees.

·        Assessing the accessibility of hardware and equipment provided to employees.


3. Training and Awareness

We will provide training and resources to employees on disability awareness, accessibility best practices, and the use of accessible tools and technologies. This training will:

·        Educate employees on the importance of accessibility and inclusion.

·        Provide guidance on how to create accessible documents, presentations, and communications.

·        Familiarize employees with the accessibility features of collaboration tools and software.


4. Reasonable Accommodations

Employees who require reasonable accommodations to perform their job duties are encouraged to request accommodations through the designated accommodation process. Reasonable accommodations may include, but are not limited to:

·        Providing assistive technology or adaptive equipment.

·        Modifying work schedules or job duties to accommodate individual needs.

·        Adjusting communication methods or formats to ensure accessibility.


5. Accessibility Support

We will establish a dedicated point of contact or support mechanism for employees to seek assistance with accessibility-related issues while working from home. This may include:

·        Providing access to a designated accessibility coordinator or support team to address employee inquiries and accommodation requests.

·        Offering resources and guidance on accessible technology solutions and tools.


6. Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuously improving the accessibility of our work environment based on feedback from employees and ongoing assessments. We will:

·        Regularly review and update our Disability and Accessibility Plan to reflect changes in technology, best practices, and employee needs.

·        Solicit feedback from employees on their experiences with accessibility in the work environment and take action to address any identified issues or concerns.


7. Communication and Documentation

We will communicate our commitment to disability inclusion and accessibility to all employees and stakeholders. This will include:

·        Sharing the Disability and Accessibility Plan with all employees and making it readily accessible on company intranet or communication platforms.

·        Providing regular updates and reminders about accessibility resources, accommodations, and support available to employees.


8. Compliance and Accountability

We will ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations related to disability rights and accessibility in the work environment. We will:

·        Stay informed about relevant legislation and guidelines governing accessibility in work settings.

·        Hold ourselves accountable for implementing and upholding the principles outlined in this Disability and Accessibility Plan.


9. Review and Revision

This plan will be reviewed annually to assess its effectiveness and make updates as necessary to ensure ongoing compliance and improvement in accessibility practices.

10. Contact Information

For questions or concerns regarding this Disability and Accessibility Plan or to request accommodations, employees can contact Matthew White, CFO at info@dapphaus.io.